Hitting the Apex is a gripping documentary that delves into the exhilarating world of motorcycle racing. The film follows the journeys of six of the most talented and fearless riders in the sport, showcasing their incredible speed and ambition. The documentary highlights the intense risks these riders face as they push themselves to the limit, reaching speeds of over 200mph.
Through interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, Hitting the Apex offers an intimate look into the lives of these racing legends. It explores the triumphs and tragedies that define their careers, revealing the immense stakes involved in chasing glory on a motorcycle.
The documentary provides viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the sport, shedding light on the technical aspects of motorcycle racing and the skill required to navigate treacherous tracks. It also delves into the fierce rivalry between the riders, showcasing their determination to outperform each other on the track.
Directed by Mark Neale, Hitting the Apex is a thrilling and emotional exploration of the world of motorcycle racing. It not only captures the adrenaline-fueled excitement of the sport, but also pays homage to the sheer bravery and dedication of these extraordinary athletes. Whether you're a fan of motorcycle racing or not, this documentary guarantees an exhilarating and captivating experience.