Hot Summer Nights (2017) is a coming-of-age drama set during the summer of 1991. The story follows a sheltered teenage boy named Daniel as he embarks on a life-changing journey in Cape Cod. This wild summer sees Daniel involved in risky business ventures, including selling marijuana to dangerous gangsters.
As Daniel delves deeper into the drug trade, he experiences a newfound sense of independence and rebellion. Along the way, he falls in love for the first time, further adding to the intensity of his summer escapades. Parties, adventure, and self-discovery abound as Daniel begins to relish in the thrilling and dangerous world he has entered.
However, as the summer progresses, Daniel begins to realize that he may be in over his head. The consequences of his actions start to catch up with him, and he must confront the harsh realities of the choices he has made.
Hot Summer Nights takes viewers on a nostalgic trip to the early 90s, capturing the essence of youth and the longing for freedom. With its mix of drama, romance, and coming-of-age themes, this film explores the exhilaration and consequences of taking risks in pursuit of a newfound sense of self.
Also Known As:
Hot Summer NightsRelease Date:
27 Jul 2018Writers:
Elijah BynumAwards:
2 nominations.