In the thrilling movie Human Resources (2021), we follow the story of a young man who embarks on a job at a peculiar hardware store, unaware of the dark secrets that lie within its walls. As an anxious individual, he quickly becomes suspicious of the eerie atmosphere and strange occurrences. Caught in a web of mystery, he begins to unravel a shocking secret that could have terrifying consequences.
The movie takes viewers on a journey as the protagonist uncovers the truth about the forces lurking just behind the everyday facade of the store. With his newfound knowledge, he finds himself in a battle against these malevolent entities, determined to survive and protect others from their dark influence.
Human Resources carries an intense atmosphere that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, with elements of horror and suspense woven throughout. It confronts themes of fear, paranoia, and the unknown, as the young man fights to save himself and those around him from imminent danger.
This gripping film showcases stellar performances, immersive cinematography, and an intriguing storyline that will leave viewers guessing until the very end. Human Resources is a must-watch for fans of unsettling mysteries and spine-chilling thrillers.
Also Known As:
Human ResourcesRelease Date:
10 Jan 2023Writers:
Braden Swope, Evan Swope, Chris KellyAwards:
17 wins & 19 nominations