In the film I lagens namn (1986), the story revolves around a group of four policemen who are notorious for their reign of violence on the streets of Stockholm. With their van as their headquarters, they actively seek out opportunities to enforce their version of justice by brutalizing drunks and criminals with their batons. However, things take a dark turn when witnesses spot them picking up a drunken individual who is later discovered dead.
The film delves into the investigation that follows this suspicious incident, detailing the internal conflicts and moral dilemmas faced by the detectives as they try to uncover the truth. As tensions rise within the police force, alliances are tested, and the line between law enforcement and criminality becomes increasingly blurred.
I lagens namn examines themes of corruption, abuse of power, and the consequences of unchecked authority. It sheds light on the systemic issues that can plague law enforcement agencies if left unaddressed. Through its captivating storytelling, the film shines a critical light on police brutality and questions the very foundations of justice and morality.
With gripping performances and an intense narrative, I lagens namn offers a thought-provoking exploration of the darker side of law enforcement, making it a must-watch for both crime thriller enthusiasts and those interested in social commentary.
Also Known As:
I lagens namnRelease Date:
31 Oct 1986Writers:
Leif G.W. Persson, Hans IvebergAwards:
1 nomination