Ice Age: Collision Course is a thrilling animated adventure that follows the beloved Herd of animals - Manny the mammoth, Sid the sloth, Diego the saber-tooth tiger, and their friends - as they face their greatest challenge yet. When the ever-hungry Scrat accidentally causes an acorn to launch an asteroid towards Earth, the Herd must embark on an epic journey to prevent the inevitable collision.
In their quest to save their home, the Herd encounters a plethora of new and colorful characters, including a spirited weasel named Buck, who returns from a previous Ice Age installment. Buck becomes a crucial ally and guides the Herd through wild and dangerous landscapes filled with lava pits, towering geysers, and menacing dinosaurs.
As they venture into uncharted territories, the Herd must learn to adapt and work together, with plenty of humor and heartwarming moments along the way. With time running out, they face unexpected obstacles and must rely on their instincts and newfound friendships to find a solution.
Ice Age: Collision Course is a visually stunning and action-packed film that will captivate audiences of all ages. It teaches valuable lessons about teamwork, friendship, and the importance of embracing change. Will the Herd succeed in their mission and save their home? Prepare to find out in this thrilling and heartwarming adventure!
Also Known As:
Ice Age: Collision CourseRelease Date:
22 Jul 2016Writers:
Michael J. Wilson, Michael Berg, Yoni BrennerAwards:
2 wins