In the movie Janet Planet (2023), set in rural Western Massachusetts in 1991, the story revolves around 11-year-old Lacy and her close relationship with her mother, Janet. Lacy spends her summer days lost in her own world, fueled by her vivid imagination and the special bond she shares with Janet. Their peaceful routine is disrupted when three strangers enter their lives, each drawn to the mysterious and enigmatic Janet.
As these visitors become intertwined with Lacy and Janet, the dynamics of their relationship are tested, revealing hidden secrets and unexpected truths. Through this intimate and emotional journey, the characters must confront their pasts and come to terms with their own desires and vulnerabilities.
Janet Planet beautifully captures the complexity of human relationships, the power of imagination, and the longing for connection. With compelling performances and a poignant narrative, this film invites viewers to explore themes of love, loss, and self-discovery in a captivating and thought-provoking way.
Also Known As:
Janet PlanetRelease Date:
28 Jun 2024Writers:
Annie BakerAwards:
2 nominations