John Rabe is a gripping war drama that tells the true story of a German businessman, John Rabe, who finds himself in the midst of a devastating conflict. After managing a successful Siemens plant in Nanking for 28 years, Rabe is suddenly ordered by the Nazi regime to close down the facility. However, before he can do so, the Japanese army, led by a ruthless imperial uncle, launches a brutal siege on the city.
As an influential representative of Japan's major European ally, Rabe takes it upon himself to lead the Western ex-pats society's efforts to establish an international zone in Nanking. With the goal of protecting his workers and their loved ones, who number over 200,000, Rabe wholeheartedly dedicates himself to this cause and puts his own personal interests aside.
Amidst the chaos and horrors of war, Rabe faces numerous challenges and risks. However, he remains determined to create a safe haven for those affected by the conflict. As the siege intensifies and atrocities mount, Rabe's courage and compassion are put to the ultimate test.
John Rabe is a powerful portrayal of a man's unwavering commitment to humanity in the face of overwhelming adversity. This riveting film captures the turmoil and heroism of individuals caught in the crossfire of war, emphasizing the importance of compassion and selflessness in times of crisis.