Jönssonligan dyker upp igen (1986) is a captivating crime comedy film that follows the adventures of a criminal trio as they stumble upon a thrilling opportunity. The film revolves around a heist that takes place in a furniture store, where the trio inadvertently uncovers a mysterious network involved in smuggling computers to the Soviet Union.
Throughout the movie, viewers are taken on a hilarious journey filled with clever plans, unexpected twists, and comedic mishaps. As the trio delves deeper into their newfound discovery, they find themselves entangled in a web of deceit, danger, and double-crossing.
Directed by Hans Åke Gabrielsson, this Swedish film offers a perfect blend of action, comedy, and suspense. The engaging storyline combined with brilliant performances by the cast ensures an entertaining experience for audiences of all ages.
Jönssonligan dyker upp igen is notable for its witty dialogue and well-executed comedic timing, which keeps the viewers engaged from start to finish. With its fast-paced plot and unpredictable narrative, the film offers an exciting ride for lovers of crime comedies.
This film is a must-watch for anyone seeking an enjoyable and light-hearted cinematic experience. Get ready to be delighted by the thrilling escapades of the criminal trio as they navigate their way through unexpected hurdles in their quest for fortune and adventure.
Also Known As:
The Return of the Jonsson LeagueRelease Date:
24 Oct 1986Writers:
Rolf Börjlind, Gösta Ekman, Mikael Ekman