Yellowbeard is an adventurous comedy film set in the world of pirates. The story follows the escapades of the legendary pirate, Yellowbeard, who is released from prison to lead the authorities to his hidden treasure. However, he soon discovers that his wife had not informed him about the existence of his 20-year-old son, who happens to be an intellectual. Alongside the British Navy, Yellowbeard, his son, and his old crew set out on a thrilling quest to locate the treasure.
This comedic and action-packed film takes viewers on a wild ride as Yellowbeard and his motley crew encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. With its mix of swashbuckling adventure, witty dialogue, and outrageous humor, Yellowbeard promises to entertain audiences of all ages.
Directed by Mel Damski and released in 1983, Yellowbeard boasts a star-studded cast including Graham Chapman, Peter Boyle, and Cheech Marin. The film combines humor, adventure, and even a touch of romance to create a unique pirate-themed experience. With its clever plot twists and unforgettable characters, Yellowbeard is sure to captivate audiences looking for a lighthearted and entertaining escapade.
Also Known As:
Kapten Gulskägg - Havets fasa