In this 2005 action-comedy film, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, a small-time thief disguises himself as an actor and unexpectedly ends up in Los Angeles for an audition. Once there, he becomes entangled in a murder investigation, joining forces with his long-time crush from high school and a detective who has been mentoring him for his upcoming acting gig.
The story follows the thief's hilarious and chaotic journey as he tries to navigate the dangerous world of Hollywood and solve the murder mystery. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers more about his dream girl's troubled past and the detective's hidden motives. With their lives at stake, the unlikely trio must uncover the truth and survive the deadly consequences.
Directed by Shane Black, known for his witty dialogue and action-packed storytelling, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang blends elements of crime, comedy, and film noir. The film not only offers a thrilling plot but also delivers sharp and clever dialogue, making it an engaging and entertaining watch. With its unique blend of humor, suspense, and unexpected twists, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a must-watch for fans of action-packed buddy comedies.