Kysset is a captivating film set in the early 1900s, which revolves around the determined young officer-in-training, Anton. With his sights set on becoming a skilled cavalry officer, Anton's unwavering dedication is put to the test when he encounters a fateful incident involving Baron, a nobleman, and his injured daughter Edith.
As part of his training, Anton takes charge of his platoon and issues a directive to assist Baron and his family. Intrigued by the enigmatic Edith, who recently suffered an accident, Anton finds himself drawn into a web of mystery and romance. As he delves deeper into Edith's world, he embarks on a transformative journey that challenges his priorities and beliefs.
Kysset skillfully captures the complexities of honor, duty, and love, against the backdrop of a changing societal landscape. The film explores themes of sacrifice, personal growth, and the power of unexpected connections. With exquisite cinematography and a compelling storyline, viewers are transported into a bygone era, where the emotional interplay between the characters drives the narrative forward.
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Kysset, as Anton's pursuit of his military career intertwines with an unforeseen encounter that changes the course of his life forever. Discover the true meaning of loyalty and the transformative power of love in this captivating period drama.
Also Known As:
KyssetRelease Date:
23 Feb 2023Writers:
Bille August, Greg Latter, Stefan ZweigAwards:
1 nomination