Landmine Goes Click (2015) is a gripping and intense thriller that follows the harrowing ordeal of three American tourists who find themselves in a horrifying situation while crossing a desolated landscape in European Georgia. The tension rises when one of them accidentally steps on an armed landmine, fearing for their lives should they make any sudden movements.
However, the threat of the landmine becomes secondary to the nightmarish events that unfold as a psychopath seizes the opportunity to exploit the tourists' immobility. The psychopath brutally assaults and abuses the woman he claims to love, plunging the group into a terrifying battle for survival.
Directed by Levan Bakhia, Landmine Goes Click explores the depths of human depravity and the lengths one will go to survive. With a chilling atmosphere and breathtaking cinematography, this film promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.
Filled with suspense and unexpected plot twists, Landmine Goes Click is not for the faint of heart. It delves into themes of power, fear, and the darkest corners of the human psyche. Don't miss this heart-pounding thriller that will leave you questioning the depths of human cruelty and the strength of the human spirit.