Lean on Pete is a heartfelt and poignant drama that centers around the story of a teenager named Charley, who finds solace in an unlikely friendship with a racehorse named Lean on Pete. Set against the backdrop of the American West, Charley, played by Charlie Plummer, takes on a summer job working for a horse trainer, Del, portrayed by Steve Buscemi. It is during this time that he forms a deep bond with the aging racehorse, Lean on Pete.
As Charley navigates the challenges of his tumultuous life, including an absent mother and an unstable home, Lean on Pete becomes a significant source of comfort, companionship, and hope. Together, Charley and Lean on Pete embark on a journey of self-discovery and survival as they face the harsh realities of the world around them.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Andrew Haigh, Lean on Pete is a thought-provoking exploration of the human-animal bond and the resilience of the human spirit. It showcases a remarkable performance by Charlie Plummer, who delivers a captivating portrayal of a young boy coming of age in a volatile environment.
Through its beautiful cinematography and emotionally charged storytelling, Lean on Pete invites viewers into a world filled with compassion, love, and the power of friendship. This moving film will undoubtedly leave audiences with a lasting impression and touching memories of Charley and Lean on Pete's extraordinary journey.
Also Known As:
Lean on PeteRelease Date:
06 Apr 2018Writers:
Andrew Haigh, Willy VlautinAwards:
11 wins & 18 nominations