In the movie Leaving Las Vegas (1995), Ben Sanderson, a former screenwriter, finds himself at rock bottom due to his severe alcoholism. Filled with despair, he ventures to Las Vegas with the sole intent of drinking himself to death. It is in this desperate state that he encounters Sera, a troubled prostitute struggling to survive in the city. Despite their differences, the two form an unexpected bond and create an unusual pact: Sera promises to never interfere with Ben's self-destructive behavior.
As Ben and Sera spend more time together, their connection deepens, and they find solace in each other's company. They provide support and understanding in a harsh world that has failed them. While Ben deteriorates physically and mentally, Sera grapples with her conflicting emotions and the consequences of her lifestyle.
Leaving Las Vegas is a raw and emotional portrayal of two wounded souls who find a temporary refuge in each other's presence. The film explores themes of addiction, redemption, and the innate human desire for connection. Nicolas Cage delivers a powerful performance as Ben Sanderson, depicting the devastating effects of alcoholism with haunting authenticity. Elizabeth Shue's portrayal of Sera is equally poignant, showcasing the complexity of a woman trapped in a desperate situation.
Directed by Mike Figgis, Leaving Las Vegas offers a somber yet captivating exploration of the human condition, leaving viewers with a poignant and lasting impact.
Also Known As:
Leaving Las VegasRelease Date:
09 Feb 1996Writers:
John O'Brien, Mike FiggisAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 32 wins & 30 nominations total