In the movie LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Black Panther - Trouble in Wakanda, audiences are introduced to the returning villains Ulysses Klaue and Eric Killmonger, who are determined to exploit Wakanda's valuable Vibrainium mines. This time, they receive support from the dreaded mad titan Thanos, adding an even greater threat to their evil scheme.
The story follows Black Panther as he strives to protect his homeland from these formidable enemies, but he quickly realizes that he cannot do it alone. With the help of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Black Panther forms an unlikely alliance in a bid to thwart their plans and save Wakanda from destruction.
This entertaining movie showcases the beloved LEGO characters in their action-packed adventure, complete with their signature humor and charm. Audiences can expect dynamic fight sequences, stunning animation, and a gripping storyline that keeps them on the edge of their seats.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Black Panther - Trouble in Wakanda is a thrilling addition to the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes series, offering fans a chance to immerse themselves in the world of Wakanda and witness the bravery and heroism of Black Panther firsthand. Get ready for an epic battle as Black Panther and his allies rise up against the forces of evil in this exciting LEGO adventure.