In the movie Life of Crime (2013), two low-level criminals find themselves in over their heads when their kidnapping plot takes an unexpected turn. The film centers around the story of Mickey and Louis, who hatch a plan to kidnap the wife of a wealthy real-estate developer, Frank. However, they quickly discover that Frank has no intention of paying the $1 million ransom for his wife's safe return.
As the situation unfolds, Mickey and Louis find themselves in a tangled web of deceit and betrayal. They must navigate the treacherous waters of Frank's schemes and manipulations, all while attempting to keep their original plan on track. Along the way, they encounter eccentric characters, including a Nazi-obsessed handyman and a philandering husband with his own hidden agenda.
Life of Crime is a dark and twisted comedy that blends elements of crime and humor. The film explores themes of greed, loyalty, and deception, as Mickey and Louis struggle to survive in a world where everyone seems to have their own ulterior motives.
With a talented ensemble cast, including Jennifer Aniston, Tim Robbins, and Isla Fisher, Life of Crime delivers a thrilling and engaging experience. Fans of crime capers and dark comedies are sure to be entertained by the twists and turns of this gripping film.