In the upcoming movie Lightyear (2022), audiences will be taken on a thrilling adventure alongside the legendary Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear. Stranded in unknown territory, Buzz finds himself on a relentless quest to make his way back home. However, his journey takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with a nefarious army of heartless robots under the command of the villainous Zurg.
With an urgent mission to protect his precious fuel source from falling into the wrong hands, Buzz must summon all his courage and combat skills to fend off the relentless robots. As the battle intensifies, he learns the true meaning of bravery and determination.
Lightyear promises to deliver an action-packed and visually stunning experience, combining cutting-edge animation with gripping storytelling. Audiences can anticipate heart-pounding chase scenes, high-flying space battles, and pulse-pounding suspense as Buzz faces his greatest challenge yet.
This new chapter in the beloved Toy Story franchise introduces fans to a never-before-seen side of the iconic Buzz Lightyear character, providing deeper insights into his origin and the larger universe he inhabits. Prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring visuals, memorable characters, and a thrilling space adventure in Lightyear, coming soon to your screens.
Also Known As:
LightyearRelease Date:
17 Jun 2022Writers:
Angus MacLane, Jason Headley, Matthew Aldrich