Lionheart (1990) is an action-packed drama that follows the story of a former French soldier named Leon who embarks on a dangerous journey to provide for his brother's family. Set in the thrilling world of underground street fighting, this film showcases Leon's determination and strength as he battles against formidable opponents to earn money.
When his brother is left in a coma after a crippling injury, Leon takes it upon himself to support his sibling's wife and daughter. With limited options, he decides to enter the gritty, underground world of illegal street fighting. As Leon delves deeper into this dangerous subculture, he faces intense challenges and fights against experienced fighters.
Through his relentless determination, Leon quickly gains a reputation as a formidable contender and catches the attention of notorious fight promoters. Along the way, he forms unexpected friendships with fellow fighters and encounters betrayal from those he considers allies. As the stakes grow higher and the confrontations become increasingly violent, Leon must confront his own inner demons and find a way to survive.
Lionheart (1990) is a gripping and emotional story that explores themes of sacrifice, family loyalty, and the resilience of the human spirit. Packed with intense action sequences and powerful performances, this film offers viewers an adrenaline-fueled journey into the gritty world of underground fighting.
Also Known As:
LionheartRelease Date:
11 Jan 1991Writers:
Stefani Warren, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Sheldon Lettich