In the small town of Little Accidents, the residents are still haunted by the memory of a devastating coal mine accident. The disappearance of a teenage boy, Owen, brings together three individuals from different walks of life. Amos, a surviving miner, is determined to uncover the truth behind Owen's disappearance. Diane, the lonely wife of a mine executive, feels a strong connection to Owen and is desperate for answers. And then there's a local boy, Duke, who becomes entangled in a web of secrets surrounding Owen's disappearance.
As these three characters navigate their own personal struggles, they find themselves drawn together by their shared desire for the truth. Amos becomes convinced that the mine executive, Bill, is hiding something, and as tensions rise, secrets begin to unravel.
Little Accidents explores the themes of grief, guilt, and the fragility of small-town communities. Each character is burdened by their own past, and their search for answers becomes a reflection of their own internal battles. Director Sara Colangelo expertly weaves together a poignant and suspenseful narrative, maintaining an air of tension throughout the film.
With its stellar cast including Elizabeth Banks, Boyd Holbrook, and Josh Lucas, Little Accidents is a gripping and emotionally charged drama that will captivate viewers and keep them on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
Little AccidentsRelease Date:
12 May 2016Writers:
Sara ColangeloAwards:
2 wins & 12 nominations