In the futuristic world of Logan's Run (1976), a police officer named Logan uncovers a shocking secret that lies at the core of society's obsession with eternal youth. Set in the year 2274, Logan lives in a seemingly perfect world where everyone is kept young and healthy, thanks to a mandatory ritual called Carousel, which supposedly grants them renewal. However, Logan discovers that Carousel is a lie and that those who reach the age of 30 are instead exterminated.
With this newfound knowledge, Logan becomes a fugitive on a quest to expose the truth to the people. He is joined by a woman named Jessica, who helps him on his journey to Sanctuary, a rumored safe haven outside the city where people can live freely beyond the age of 30. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and opponents, including the relentless pursuit of a mysterious group known as Sandmen.
Logan's Run is a thrilling science fiction film that delves into themes of mortality, freedom, and the consequences of a society obsessed with youth. The movie offers a visually stunning depiction of a dystopian future, blending futuristic technology with stunning set designs and special effects. With its gripping storyline and thought-provoking concepts, Logan's Run captivates audiences with its suspenseful action and exploration of the human condition.
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Also Known As:
Logan's RunRelease Date:
23 Jun 1976Writers:
David Zelag Goodman, William F. Nolan, George Clayton JohnsonAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 7 wins & 4 nominations total