Love Happens (2009) is a heartwarming romantic drama that follows the emotional journey of a widower named Burke, whose life takes an unexpected turn. Burke's book on coping with loss becomes a sensation, turning him into a renowned self-help guru. However, as fate would have it, he crosses paths with Eloise, a hotel florist, during one of his seminars. Despite the initial attraction that sparks between them, Burke soon realizes that he hasn't fully confronted his own wife's passing.
The movie explores themes of grief, healing, and the complexities of human emotions. Love Happens delves into the delicate balance between moving on and honoring the past. As Burke grapples with his unresolved sorrow, he begins to question the authenticity of his self-help philosophy. With Eloise's support, he embarks on a profound journey of self-discovery, ultimately learning that facing his grief head-on is the key to finding true love and happiness.
Love Happens showcases the power of human connection and the transformative nature of love. The chemistry between Burke and Eloise is interwoven with compassionate characters and heartfelt moments. This bittersweet tale reminds audiences of the importance of embracing the present while also finding the strength to let go of the past. With its poignant storytelling and stellar performances, Love Happens is a captivating film that will resonate with viewers of all walks of life.
Also Known As:
Love HappensRelease Date:
18 Sep 2009Writers:
Brandon Camp, Mike ThompsonAwards:
1 win.