May is a dark and twisted psychological horror film from 2002 that tells the story of a socially awkward veterinary assistant named May. May has a lazy eye and an overwhelming obsession with perfection, which causes her to struggle to connect with others. However, her life takes a bizarre turn when she develops a crush on a boy who possesses perfect hands, as she believes they could be the key to her own perfection.
As May's obsession with the boy grows, she becomes increasingly unhinged and descends into a world of depravity. She starts to lose touch with reality, leaving a trail of disturbing consequences in her wake. The film delves deep into May's psyche, showcasing her desperate longing for connection and her increasing isolation from society.
Directed by Lucky McKee, May brilliantly explores themes of loneliness, obsession, and the lengths one will go to in order to find acceptance. With its unsettling atmosphere and gripping narrative, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, constantly wondering what dark path May will take next.
May is an unsettling and thought-provoking film that showcases the horrors that can unfold when one's quest for perfection becomes all-consuming. With its unique blend of psychological terror and compelling character study, May is a must-watch for fans of dark and twisted cinema.
Also Known As:
MayRelease Date:
11 Apr 2003Writers:
Lucky McKeeAwards:
9 wins & 8 nominations