In the short film Memory Metals (2019), viewers are introduced to Roland, a retired engineer who receives an iPad from his family in an attempt to keep him connected to the modern digital world. However, instead of feeling euphoric about the new technology, Roland finds himself overwhelmed and broken down by it. As he struggles to navigate this new digital landscape, Roland pines for the simplicity of the analog world he once knew, as well as the love of his ex-wife who still cares for him but left him in the era before technology dominated our lives.
Through a runtime of 15 minutes and 50 seconds, viewers witness Roland's journey as he grapples with the changes brought about by the digital age, all while yearning for a sense of familiarity and connection that seems increasingly out of reach. Memory Metals offers a poignant exploration of the impact of technology on our lives and relationships, highlighting the bittersweet nature of progress and the enduring power of human connection.
Also Known As:
Memory MetalsRelease Date:
24 Apr 2019Writers:
Beata Konar