Mickey Blue Eyes is a hilarious comedy film that follows the misadventures of an art-house auctioneer named Michael Felgate, played by Hugh Grant. Michael's life takes an unexpected turn when he falls in love with his teacher girlfriend, Gina Vitale, played by Jeanne Tripplehorn. Little does Michael know, Gina is the daughter of a notorious mobster.
As their relationship progresses, Michael gets entangled in the dangerous world of organized crime. Things take a chaotic turn when a godfather, played by James Caan, decides to use Michael's art house to launder his inept son's gruesome paintings. This attracts the attention of the FBI, jeopardizing Michael's already precarious situation.
As the pressure mounts, hilarity ensues as Michael tries to navigate his relationships with Gina, her mobster father, and the ever-increasing involvement of the FBI. However, everything spirals out of control when the son's artwork leads to a mishap resulting in an accidental shooting.
With an amazing cast that delivers brilliant performances, Mickey Blue Eyes offers a mix of romance, comedy, and mobster mayhem. This film will keep you entertained with its witty dialogue and unexpected twists. Directed by Kelly Makin, this comedy gem of the late 90s will leave you laughing till the very end.