Middleditch & Schwartz is a hilarious and captivating comedy show featuring Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz, two talented actors known for their roles in popular sitcoms like Silicon Valley and Parks and Recreation. In this one-of-a-kind improv experience, Middleditch and Schwartz take the stage to create an entire performance on the spot, without a script or any premeditated jokes.
Each episode of Middleditch & Schwartz showcases a unique, never-before-seen story created in the moment by the two actors, as they dive into various characters and scenarios. The audience plays an essential role, providing suggestions that influence the direction of the narrative, making each performance a truly dynamic and interactive experience.
The chemistry between Middleditch and Schwartz is undeniable as they effortlessly bounce off each other, bringing the characters to life and delivering hilarious punchlines that leave viewers laughing out loud. They excel in their ability to build upon each other's ideas, creating a seamless and engaging performance that keeps audiences hooked from beginning to end.
Whether they are portraying a couple going through relationship troubles or a group of friends embarking on a quirky adventure, Middleditch and Schwartz's quick wit and improvisational skills will keep viewers thoroughly entertained. Middleditch & Schwartz is a must-watch comedy series that offers a fresh and innovative approach to improvisational comedy, leaving audiences in stitches with their impeccable on-stage chemistry and spontaneous humor.
Also Known As:
Middleditch & SchwartzRelease Date:
21 Apr 2020Writers:
Thomas Middleditch, Ben Schwartz