In this captivating coming-of-age drama, Min Lilla Syster (2015), Stella is a young girl on the cusp of adolescence who idolizes her older sister, Katja. However, as Stella delves deeper into the complexities of growing up, she uncovers a distressing secret: Katja is battling an eating disorder.
As the story unfolds, Stella's admiration for her sister turns into a mixture of jealousy, love, and betrayal. Stella grapples with her own insecurities while witnessing the devastating effects of Katja's disorder on their family dynamics. With themes of sisterhood and the challenges of adolescent self-identity, this film deeply explores the difficult emotions surrounding jealousy and the consequences of secrets.
Min Lilla Syster takes viewers on an emotional journey as Stella navigates the overwhelming teenage years, grappling with newfound desires and misguided admiration. This intimate portrayal of a family's struggle with an eating disorder sheds light on the complexities of mental health, and the impact it has on all those involved. With its powerful performances and poignant storytelling, this film sheds light on the often taboo topic of eating disorders, reminding us of the importance of love, understanding, and support within our families.
Also Known As:
My Skinny SisterRelease Date:
18 Sep 2015Writers:
Sanna LenkenAwards:
11 wins & 10 nominations.