In the 1988 film Monkey Shines, a story unfolds around a quadriplegic named Allan Mann, who finds solace in the companionship of a trained monkey named Ella. Allan forms a strong bond with Ella, relying on her to assist with his paralysis. However, the tranquil relationship takes a dark turn when the monkey begins to display unexpected emotions and a growing rage towards her master.
As the menacing behavior escalates, Ella's raw instincts overpower her training, leading to terrifying consequences for those around Allan. The film delves into the psychological struggle between human and animal, blurring the lines between devotion and danger.
Monkey Shines is a gripping thriller that explores themes of dependency, loyalty, and the innate darkness that lies within all beings. Directed by George A. Romero, the movie combines elements of horror and suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.
Featuring stellar performances and intense visuals, Monkey Shines immerses viewers in the twisted relationship between a man and his seemingly harmless helper. As the story unfolds, the audience is left to question the limits of loyalty and the formidable power of nature's fury.
Also Known As:
Monkey ShinesRelease Date:
29 Jul 1988Writers:
Michael Stewart, George A. RomeroAwards:
7 wins & 2 nominations