Elmer Elevator embarks on an extraordinary adventure in My Father's Dragon (2022), a heartwarming and whimsical animated film. Set in the enchanting Wild Island, Elmer is determined to free a captured Dragon, but little does he know that this mission will lead him to countless unexpected and magical encounters.
As young Elmer explores the mystical island, he encounters an array of captivating creatures, from talking animals to mysterious inhabitants. His bravery and curiosity guide him through perilous obstacles, including treacherous forests and treacherous rivers. Along the way, Elmer discovers his own strengths and learns valuable life lessons about friendship and resilience.
My Father's Dragon casts a spellbinding world, where stunning visuals and captivating animations bring the fantastical adventure to life. The film's well-crafted storytelling and attention to detail transport viewers on a thrilling journey that ignites the imagination.
With its engaging characters and heartfelt messages, My Father's Dragon is an enchanting film that appeals to both young audiences and the young at heart. Prepare to be whisked away on an unforgettable adventure that will leave you inspired and believing in the power of dreams.
Also Known As:
My Father's DragonRelease Date:
11 Nov 2022Writers:
Ruth Stiles Gannett, Meg LeFauve