In the workplace comedy series One More Time, viewers are introduced to a unique and diverse cast of characters working at a second-hand sporting goods store. The manager of the store is hard of hearing, adding a comedic element to the interactions and misunderstandings that occur within the team. Despite the manager's hearing impairment, he leads his team of quirky and hard-working employees with humor and wit.
Throughout the series, viewers can expect plenty of laughs as the team navigates the challenges and adventures that come with working in a second-hand store. The dynamic between the manager and his employees creates a fun and lighthearted atmosphere, making One More Time a delightful and enjoyable watch for audiences of all ages.
With its well-rounded and engaging characters, witty dialogue, and humorous situations, One More Time promises to keep viewers entertained and coming back for more. Join the team at the second-hand sporting goods store for a comedic and heartwarming journey that will leave you wanting One More Time.
Also Known As:
One More TimeRelease Date:
09 Jan 2024