Our House is a thrilling supernatural movie that revolves around a young prodigy who unintentionally creates a device that amplifies paranormal activity in his family's house. The film delves into the consequences of this invention as it not only brings back the spirits of deceased loved ones but also unleashes malevolent entities.
Set in a suburban house, the story follows Ethan, a scientific genius, who is grieving the loss of his parents. In an attempt to communicate with them from beyond the grave, Ethan invents a machine that heightens supernatural occurrences within the home. However, the device has unintended consequences, leading to unsettling and terrifying experiences for the family.
As the paranormal activity intensifies, the spirits of their late parents begin to make themselves known, offering comfort but also raising questions about the true nature of the device. In the midst of this, darker forces emerge, threatening to tear the family apart and wreak havoc on their lives.
Our House is a suspenseful and chilling movie that explores themes of grief, family, and the supernatural. It keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the escalating horror that unfolds within the house. With its blend of eerie supernatural occurrences and emotional depth, this film is sure to captivate fans of the genre and leave them questioning what lies beyond our realm.
Also Known As:
Our HouseRelease Date:
27 Jul 2018Writers:
Nathan Parker, Matt OstermanAwards:
3 nominations