Over kanten (2012) is a suspenseful Danish thriller that follows a couple's terrifying journey after they purchase an old house at Møns Klint. Eager to restore their new property, they hire a handyman to assist them. However, their excitement soon turns to suspicion as they become convinced that the handyman is linked to a mysterious incident involving a person jumping off the cliff.
Navigating an atmosphere filled with tension and psychological intrigue, the couple's fears intensify as they observe the handyman's questionable behavior. Every move and word she utters only deepens their suspicion about his involvement in the apparent suicide. The couple starts to question their safety and wonders if they have unknowingly invited danger into their home.
Over kanten (2012) keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they embark on a gripping journey through a labyrinth of secrets, deception, and paranoia. With stunning cinematography capturing the picturesque setting of Møns Klint, the film further immerses audiences in its tense and eerie atmosphere.
As the plot thickens, the couple's paranoia escalates, leaving viewers questioning who can be trusted and what secrets lie behind the enigmatic actions of the handyman. With its skillful pacing, chilling suspense, and captivating performances, Over kanten (2012) is a must-watch for fans of thrillers seeking a gripping and unpredictable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Over the EdgeRelease Date:
03 May 2012Writers:
Laurits Munch-Petersen, Jacob DitlevAwards:
4 nominations