Panama is a thrilling action film set during the U.S. invasion of Panama. The story follows an ex-marine who is hired by a defense contractor to undertake an arms deal in Panama. As he embarks on this mission, he inadvertently gets entangled in the political unrest that ensues during the invasion.
This ex-marine soon discovers that the arms deal he was initially hired for is just the tip of the iceberg. He becomes aware of the corrupt nature of political power and finds himself caught in a web of intrigue and danger.
Throughout the film, the audience is taken on a pulse-pounding journey as the ex-marine tries to navigate through a treacherous landscape full of double-crosses, hidden agendas, and unexpected allies. As he battles to complete his mission, he also learns important lessons about loyalty, betrayal, and the true costs of war.
Panama is an action-packed film that showcases the gritty reality of war, while exploring deeper themes of power and morality. With its intense action sequences, compelling storyline, and surprising twists, this movie is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Streaming Service Page Summary: Follow an ex-marine as he travels to Panama to complete an arms deal, only to get caught up in the U.S. invasion and exposed to the true nature of political power. Thrilling action, intense sequences, and unexpected twists make Panama a must-watch for fans of gritty war films.
Also Known As:
PanamaRelease Date:
18 Mar 2022Writers:
Daniel Adams, William Barber