Para knas (2017) is a captivating Swedish film that explores the stark contrast in lifestyles between the poverty-stricken ghetto and the lavish lives of the wealthy in Stockholm. The story revolves around Sara and Amida, two friends determined not to be trapped in a life of financial struggle. Together, they hatch a daring plan to escape their circumstances and indulge in the luxuries they can only dream of.
Their adventure begins with the introduction of a booster bag, a tool that allows them to live out their fantasies by stealing designer clothes and attending extravagant parties. As they immerse themselves in a world of spilled champagne and stolen riches, they encounter a charming Swedish man who changes everything for better or worse.
Directed by the talented filmmaker Xander Ekman, Para knas is a thrilling and thought-provoking exploration of money, desire, and the lengths people will go to escape their realities. The film skillfully captures the stark contrasts between the gritty reality of the ghetto and the opulence of Stockholm's hot spots. With its gripping storyline, compelling characters, and stunning visuals, Para knas offers an engaging viewing experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
Para knasRelease Date:
15 Dec 2017Writers:
Nikeisha Andersson