In the supernatural thriller Pay the Ghost (2015), Mike Lawford's life takes a sinister turn when his young son mysteriously disappears during a Halloween carnival. One year later, Mike is plagued by chilling images and eerie messages that he cannot comprehend. Desperate to uncover the truth, he joins forces with his estranged wife and embarks on a relentless quest to find their missing child.
As they delve deeper into the investigation, Mike and his wife uncover a haunting legend about a crying woman who refuses to stay buried in the past. They soon realize that they must confront the malevolent presence that has taken hold of their lives and confront the supernatural forces at play.
Pay the Ghost is a chilling and suspense-filled film that explores the lengths a parent is willing to go to reunite with their lost child. With its atmospheric setting and supernatural elements, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they are drawn deeper into the mystery.
Starring Nicolas Cage in the lead role, Pay the Ghost combines emotional depth with supernatural horror, delivering a compelling and thrilling story. With its captivating storyline and pulse-pounding scares, this film is perfect for fans of chilling supernatural thrillers.
Also Known As:
Pay the GhostRelease Date:
25 Sep 2015Writers:
Tim Lebbon (novel), Dan Kay (screenplay)Awards:
1 win & 2 nominations.