Person of Interest is a thrilling crime drama series that follows the story of a former CIA agent named John Reese and an eccentric billionaire programmer named Harold Finch. Together, they have created an advanced surveillance AI system known as The Machine. This AI is capable of predicting future crimes by analyzing vast amounts of data, allowing Reese and Finch to intervene before these crimes occur.
However, there's a catch - the AI only provides the identity of the potential victim or perpetrator, but not the specifics of the crime. This leaves Reese and Finch with the challenging task of deciphering the clues and unraveling the mysteries behind each case. Along the way, they encounter various adversaries, including corrupt cops and powerful criminal organizations.
As Reese and Finch work to prevent these crimes, the show explores themes of artificial intelligence, privacy concerns, and the fine line between surveillance and protection. Each episode of Person of Interest offers a new thrilling case for the duo to crack, while also delving deeper into their personal backstories and motivations.
As the series progresses, the characters become embroiled in a larger conspiracy involving the government and secret organizations. This leads to high-stakes adventures and intense action sequences as Reese and Finch fight to protect their identities and bring justice to those who have abused the power of The Machine.
Person of Interest is a gripping and thought-provoking series that combines thrilling crime-solving with relevant societal issues. It keeps viewers on the edge of their seats while exploring the consequences of technology and the importance of human intervention in a world driven by artificial intelligence.
Also Known As:
Person of InterestRelease Date:
22 Sep 2011Writers:
Jonathan NolanAwards:
Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 9 wins & 22 nominations total