Pettson & Findus - Glömligheter (2009) is an exciting animated adventure that follows the misadventures of Pettson, an old man, and Findus, his curious and mischievous cat. The story takes off when a simple accident involving gravel in machinery causes Pettson to lose his memory. To make matters worse, an old swimming machine gets converted into a takpannekastare, leading to more chaotic situations.
In an attempt to jog Pettson's memory, Findus tries to remind him of a time when Findus was just a small kitten and disappeared. Will Pettson recall this precious memory? Another story is shared about a late-night hunt that Pettson and Findus embarked on not too long ago. Could this be the key to unlocking Pettson's lost memories?
With the hope of bringing back Pettson's memory, a series of crazy antics ensue, which will surely keep viewers entertained throughout the film. Will these wild adventures help Pettson regain his memory, or is there something else needed to trigger his recollections?
Pettson & Findus - Glömligheter (2009) is a heartwarming and humorous film that highlights the bond between a man and his beloved cat. Join Pettson and Findus on their unforgettable journey filled with laughter, unexpected challenges, and the everlasting power of friendship.