Poor Devil (2023–) is a riveting supernatural comedy series that follows the life of an average 18-year-old who surprisingly turns out to be the Antichrist. In a unique twist, the young protagonist defies his destiny and sets out to pursue his own desires instead of bringing disaster to Earth as his father intends.
In this entertaining and lighthearted show, viewers are taken on a wild journey as they witness the clash between good and evil within the seemingly ordinary life of the Antichrist. As the central character navigates the challenges of finding his place in the world, unexpected friendships, and even romance, the series provides an amusing and fresh take on the age-old tale of the Antichrist.
With its clever blend of supernatural elements and comedic moments, Poor Devil offers a unique perspective on a well-known concept. Audiences will find themselves captivated by the young protagonist's struggle to forge his own path while trying to escape the weighty expectations placed upon him. Will he be able to defy his fate and choose his own destiny, or will he succumb to the predetermined role thrust upon him?
Tune in to Poor Devil to witness this delightful and thought-provoking exploration of identity, choice, and the power of personal agency.
Also Known As:
Poor DevilRelease Date:
17 Feb 2023Writers:
Miguel Esteban, Joaquín Reyes, Ernesto Sevilla