Primal is a thrilling action film that takes place on a Greek shipping freighter. The story revolves around a big-game hunter who has embarked on this voyage with a collection of dangerous animals from the Amazon, including a rare white Jaguar. Unbeknownst to the crew, there is also a political assassin on board, being transported to the United States in utmost secrecy.
The tension quickly escalates when, just two days into the journey, the assassin manages to escape and sets loose the captive animals. Chaos ensues as the ship is overrun by dangerous creatures, and the crew finds themselves fighting for survival in a desperate battle against nature's fiercest predators.
As the situation grows more dire, the big-game hunter realizes he must put his hunting skills to the ultimate test in order to save his own life and those of the remaining passengers. With his expertise and the aid of a fellow passenger, they must devise a plan to outsmart the deadly animals and outmaneuver the cunning assassin before it's too late.
Primal is a heart-pounding action-packed film that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. With its intense thriller elements and stunning visuals, this movie delivers a wild and adrenaline-fueled experience that is sure to entertain any viewer.