Rawhead Rex
Rawhead Rexhttps://notnya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/MV5BMTJiMGMyYmYtZjlkZi00MDMzLThiMmEtZWNiYzI5OWQ3ZWU1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Rawhead Rex

An ancient creature called Rawhead is awakened from its slumber near an Irish village and goes on a rampage killing anyone in sight.


Rawhead Rex is a gripping horror film released in 1986 that tells the harrowing story of a terrifying creature named Rawhead. Hailing from an ancient time, Rawhead is awakened from his slumber near a peaceful Irish village and embarks on a relentless killing spree, leaving death and destruction in his wake.

As the village becomes engulfed in chaos and terror, Rawhead shows no mercy, preying upon anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. With each passing moment, the fear grows deeper, and the people's struggle to survive becomes increasingly desperate.

This bone-chilling movie takes viewers on a thrill ride as they witness the havoc wreaked by Rawhead Rex, a creature like no other. Audiences will be captivated by the intense performances of the cast as they portray the terror-stricken inhabitants of the village and their desperate attempts to confront and defeat this ancient evil.

Directed with an expert hand, this horror gem promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, offering a spine-tingling viewing experience. Rawhead Rex is a must-watch for fans of the horror genre, with its terrifying creature, gripping storyline, and masterful direction creating an unforgettable cinematic experience. Prepare to be thrilled, scared, and utterly engrossed by the horrifying tale of Rawhead Rex.

Also Known As:

Rawhead Rex

Release Date:

17 Apr 1987


Clive Barker


1 nomination