Ride On (2023) is an exhilarating and heartwarming film that follows the story of a down-on-his-luck stuntman and his trusty stunt horse. When they find themselves in a dire situation with debt collectors, their courageous and daring fight becomes a viral sensation on social media, transforming their lives forever.
The movie delves into the life of the stuntman, exploring his once-glamorous career now overshadowed by financial struggles. However, everything changes when a video capturing their valiant confrontation with debt collectors takes the internet by storm.
Ride On showcases the power of social media as the newfound fame propels the stuntman and his horse into the spotlight, earning them the admiration and support of millions around the world. Their journey takes unexpected turns as they navigate the complexities that come with being viral sensations, tackling both the exhilaration and challenges of newfound fame.
As the story unfolds, viewers will be captivated by the bond between the stuntman and his loyal horse, a partnership built on trust and resilience. This dynamic duo's inspiring journey reminds audiences of the human spirit's ability to triumph in the face of adversity.
With stunning action sequences, breathtaking stunts, and heartfelt moments, Ride On promises a thrilling and deeply moving cinematic experience. This unforgettable film demonstrates the power of determination, friendship, and the extraordinary things that can happen when one's courage goes viral.
Also Known As:
Ride OnRelease Date:
07 Apr 2023Writers:
Larry Yang