Role Models is a hilarious and heartwarming comedy that follows the journey of two energy drink representatives, Danny and Wheeler, who find themselves in trouble due to their wild and reckless behavior. To avoid jail time, the mismatched duo is forced to enrol in a Big Brother program that pairs them with troubled kids.
As they're thrown into the lives of their respective littles, Danny and Wheeler must navigate the challenges of being mentors and learn valuable life lessons along the way. Danny forms a bond with the sarcastic and defiant Augie, a geeky teenager obsessed with a medieval role-playing game. Wheeler, on the other hand, is paired with Ronnie, a foul-mouthed and rebellious youngster.
Through their unique experiences with these troubled kids, Danny and Wheeler discover unexpected personal growth. As they spend time with Augie and Ronnie, the pair begins to question their own values and priorities. They learn important lessons about responsibility, friendship, and the true meaning of being a role model.
Packed with witty banter, outrageous humor, and heartwarming moments, Role Models takes viewers on a hilarious and touching journey. With its stellar cast, including Paul Rudd and Sean William Scott, and an engaging storyline, the film seamlessly blends laughter and heart, making it a must-watch for those seeking a feel-good comedy with a dash of adventure.
Also Known As:
Role ModelsRelease Date:
07 Nov 2008Writers:
Timothy Dowling, William Blake Herron, Paul RuddAwards:
1 win & 4 nominations