Rouge (2020) is a riveting suspense thriller that revolves around an occupational nurse's courageous attempt to expose a dangerous secret. Set against the backdrop of a chemical plant, the film delves into the risks faced by whistleblowers as they confront corrupt corporations.
The protagonist, an occupational nurse, stumbles upon evidence of toxic waste leakage from the chemical plant where she works. Determined to alert the authorities and protect the health of her community, she decides to blow the whistle. However, this decision thrusts her into a perilous journey as she battles against a powerful and unscrupulous corporation that will stop at nothing to silence her.
As the story unfolds, the tension builds, and viewers are captivated by the nurse's resilience and resourcefulness in the face of mounting threats. Director XYZ skillfully balances suspenseful moments with poignant emotional scenes, ensuring a gripping and thought-provoking cinematic experience.
Rouge is not just a nail-biting thriller; it also touches on important themes such as corporate greed, environmental activism, and the personal sacrifices made by whistleblowers. With its stellar cast, compelling narrative, and stunning visuals, this film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, leaving them questioning the true cost of speaking out against injustice.
Experience the heart-pounding intensity of Rouge, and join the fight for truth and justice.
Also Known As:
RougeRelease Date:
11 Aug 2021Writers:
Farid Bentoumi, Samuel Doux, Audrey Fouché