Sämsta bandet ever?
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Sämsta bandet ever?


Det var en gång på 80-talet ett punkband som knappt kunde spela. En enda skiva spelade de in och recensionerna var förintande. "Joy Division dagen eft...er. Det var länge sedan det här bandet såg solen. Prova Ibiza grabbar!" var rocktidningen Schlagers omdöme om singeln. I tre år höll bandet på, sedan upplöstes det och grabbarna hittade nya vägar i sina liv. Men 35 år senare kom det ett mejl från skivbolaget Captured Tracks i New York... En film om musik, om drömmar och om att livet har sina små mirakel.

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Once upon a time in the 80s, there was a punk band that could barely play. They recorded just one album, and the reviews were devastating. Joy Division the day after. It's been a long time since this band saw the sun. Try Ibiza, guys! was the rock magazine Schlager's verdict on the single. For three years, the band persisted, then disbanded, and the guys found new paths in their lives. But 35 years later, an email arrived from the record label Captured Tracks in New York... A film about music, about dreams, and about how life has its small miracles. This Swedish film, *Sämsta bandet ever? (2015)*, follows the journey of a struggling punk band and the unexpected turn their lives take decades later. Through their ups and downs, viewers are taken on a reflective and nostalgic exploration of music, dreams, and the surprises that life may have in store.