Santa Evita (2022) is a thought-provoking film that delves into the intriguing and extraordinary journey of Eva Perón's body following her demise in 1952. Directed with an artistic touch, the movie explores the surreal and profound destiny of the former first lady's remains as they awaited burial for an extended period.
This captivating narrative sheds light on the historical and political significance surrounding Eva Perón, commonly known as Evita, and her lasting impact on the people of Argentina. The film introduces viewers to the tumultuous period following her death, wherein her body becomes a symbol of power, adoration, and unrest.
Santa Evita offers an insight into the complex and often contradictory emotions that Evita's corpse evoked in the Argentine public and political landscape, portraying a vivid portrait of a nation grappling with grief, idolization, and the weight of a national icon.
Through powerful storytelling and beautiful cinematography, the film pays homage to the enigmatic woman that was Eva Perón, raising questions about the nature of power, fame, and the legacy of those who leave an indelible mark on society.
Intriguing, visually stunning, and thought-provoking, Santa Evita is a must-watch for history buffs, lovers of political dramas, and anyone with an interest in the enigmatic figure of Eva Perón.
Also Known As:
Santa EvitaRelease Date:
26 Jul 2022Awards:
13 wins & 8 nominations