Santo is a thrilling crime drama series that follows the story of a mysterious drug dealer with an unknown identity. The show revolves around two policemen, Millán and Cardona, who are hot on the heels of Santo and become unlikely partners in their pursuit. Despite their contrasting personalities and approaches to law enforcement, they must join forces to unravel the enigma surrounding Santo and ensure their own safety.
As the plot unfolds, Millán and Cardona find themselves immersed in a dangerous web of crime and betrayal. They encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way, testing their resolve and forcing them to push their limits. With time running out, the duo must navigate treacherous alliances and high-stakes situations, all while trying to keep their lives intact.
Santo blends elements of action, suspense, and mystery, providing viewers with an adrenaline-inducing and captivating story. The show keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they uncover clues and piece together the puzzle surrounding Santo's true identity. With its compelling narrative and complex characters, Santo offers a gripping viewing experience that will leave viewers eager for more.
Also Known As:
SantoRelease Date:
16 Sep 2022Writers:
Carlos López