Scrooge: A Christmas Carol is a captivating and enchanting musical retelling of the beloved Christmas classic by Charles Dickens. Set to release in 2022, this supernatural and time-travelling adaptation breathes new life into the timeless tale.
Follow the journey of Ebenezer Scrooge, a cold-hearted and stingy businessman, as he is visited by four otherworldly spirits on Christmas Eve. Through their guidance, Scrooge is forced to confront the consequences of his actions and the true meaning of Christmas. These encounters take him on a transformative voyage through his past, present, and future, ultimately leading to a heartwarming and redemptive conclusion.
With its magical cinematography and captivating performances, Scrooge: A Christmas Carol promises to transport viewers into a world of enchantment and holiday cheer. The film combines the traditional elements of the story with a dazzling musical score, providing an immersive and thrilling cinematic experience. Audiences will be swept away by the spellbinding performances of the talented cast, as they bring to life the beloved characters with depth and emotion.
Featuring a mix of poignant moments, lively musical numbers, and breathtaking visuals, this adaptation of A Christmas Carol is a must-watch for the whole family. Immerse yourself in the spirit of Christmas as you join Scrooge on his extraordinary journey towards redemption and discover the true joy of the holiday season.
Also Known As:
Scrooge: A Christmas CarolRelease Date:
02 Dec 2022Writers:
Leslie Bricusse, Charles Dickens, Stephen Donnelly