Summary: In the heartwarming film Secondhand Lions (2003), a young boy named Walter is left in the care of his eccentric great-uncles, Hub and Garth, by his neglectful mother. As Walter settles into their rural Texas farm, he becomes curious about his great-uncles' rumored hidden fortune. Speculation runs wild about the origins of their supposed wealth, with whispers suggesting they stole money and gold from the notorious gangster Al Capone.
Throughout the film, Walter embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind his great-uncles' mysterious past. As he spends time with Hub and Garth, he is captivated by their adventurous stories and larger-than-life personalities. Together, they embark on thrilling ventures, including hunting for treasure, taming a lion, and defending their farm from suspicious travelers.
As Walter learns more about his great-uncles, he witnesses their kindness, generosity, and their unwavering commitment to honor and integrity. Through their extraordinary experiences and timeless wisdom, Hub and Garth impart valuable life lessons to the impressionable young boy.
Filled with heartfelt moments, laughter, and unexpected twists, Secondhand Lions is a heartwarming tale about family, loyalty, and the power of storytelling. Join Walter on this unforgettable journey as he discovers the truth about his great-uncles and learns important life lessons that will shape him into the person he is meant to be.
Also Known As:
Secondhand LionsRelease Date:
19 Sep 2003Writers:
Tim McCanliesAwards:
1 win & 6 nominations