In the movie Silver Bears (1977), financial genius Doc Fletcher finds himself in possession of a Swiss bank and a highly valuable silver mine. With the combined worth of these assets rumored to be over a billion dollars, Doc becomes the target of various competitors eager to seize control of his newfound wealth. As pressure mounts from all sides, Doc must navigate a treacherous game of power and manipulation to retain ownership of both the bank and the mine.
Throughout the film, audiences are taken on a thrilling journey filled with suspense, intrigue, and high-stakes financial dealings. As Doc's adversaries close in on him, he must rely on his cunning wit and strategic thinking to outmaneuver those seeking to take his fortune for themselves. Will Doc be able to emerge victorious in this ruthless battle for control, or will he ultimately succumb to the forces working against him?
Experience the tension and suspense of Silver Bears as Doc fights to safeguard his prized possessions against a backdrop of greed and deception. Don't miss out on this gripping tale of wealth and power in a world where the stakes are higher than ever.
Also Known As:
Silver BearsRelease Date:
03 Jun 1977Writers:
Paul Erdman, Peter Stone