Simmer is a gripping drama film set in the heart of New York City. The story follows Chef, a hardworking man who faces a devastating dilemma when he discovers that his family is at risk of being deported unless he comes up with a substantial amount of money. Desperate to save his loved ones, Chef is left with no choice but to turn to his boss for help.
Enter the world of black market drivers, an underground network where individuals transport illicit items to earn a substantial income. With his culinary skills, Chef becomes an unlikely candidate for this dangerous job. As he navigates the treacherous and illegal world of the black market, Chef encounters numerous challenges, tests his courage, and pushes the boundaries of morality.
Simmer delves deep into the themes of family, sacrifice, and the lengths one is willing to go to protect their loved ones. Throughout the film, viewers will witness Chef's transformation as he evolves from a law-abiding citizen into a clandestine driver, all in the name of love.
This intense and thought-provoking film offers a captivating look at the dark underbelly of society and the compromises people make when faced with insurmountable odds. Simmer serves as a reminder of the lengths individuals will go to when their family's future is at stake. Don't miss this gripping and emotional journey of one man's fight to save his family in a world filled with danger and uncertainty.
Enter the world of black market drivers, an underground network where individuals transport illicit items to earn a substantial income. With his culinary skills, Chef becomes an unlikely candidate for this dangerous job. As he navigates the treacherous and illegal world of the black market, Chef encounters numerous challenges, tests his courage, and pushes the boundaries of morality.
Simmer delves deep into the themes of family, sacrifice, and the lengths one is willing to go to protect their loved ones. Throughout the film, viewers will witness Chef's transformation as he evolves from a law-abiding citizen into a clandestine driver, all in the name of love.
This intense and thought-provoking film offers a captivating look at the dark underbelly of society and the compromises people make when faced with insurmountable odds. Simmer serves as a reminder of the lengths individuals will go to when their family's future is at stake. Don't miss this gripping and emotional journey of one man's fight to save his family in a world filled with danger and uncertainty.