In Sky High (2020), viewers are taken on a thrilling ride through the misadventures of a group of young petty criminals in Spain. The film cleverly disguises itself as a commentary on Spanish society while exploring the aftermath of the real estate crash. This gripping thriller will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Set in a post-crash Spain, Sky High delves into the lives of these young criminals as they navigate the consequences of their actions. The film skillfully weaves together elements of suspense and social commentary, shedding light on the nuances and complexities of Spanish society.
Through its compelling storytelling and thought-provoking themes, Sky High offers a unique perspective on the aftermath of the real estate crash. The film's exploration of the characters' struggles and motivations serves as an allegory for the larger societal issues faced by Spain during this period.
With its engaging plot and dynamic characters, Sky High is a must-watch for fans of thrilling crime dramas. Its clever blend of suspense and social commentary provides audiences with an exhilarating experience while shedding light on important societal issues.
Prepare yourself for an intense and thought-provoking journey through Spanish society in Sky High. This gripping thriller is sure to captivate viewers with its unique perspective and thrilling storyline. Don't miss out on the opportunity to dive into this thrilling commentary on post-crash Spain.
Also Known As:
Sky HighRelease Date:
17 Mar 2023Writers:
Jorge GuerricaechevarríaAwards:
1 nomination